Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty. 以绝对统治者或者绝对统治为特点;具有绝对的君主权。
Despotism: Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. 专制:如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威。
By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he become a marked man. 他因违犯绝密条例,成了处罚对象。
By-using ketone octant rule, lactone chirality rule and lactone sector rule, the predicted cotton effects of these compounds coincided with the result of determination and so the absolute configurations were assigned. 应用羰基的八区律、内酯的手性规则和内酯的扇形规则,所预测的这些化合物的cotton效应与实测结果一致,从而指定了它们的绝对构型。
A rule self-adjustable fuzzy controller is presented based on intelligent weight function which use absolute value of error and error change and adjust fuzzy control rules indirectly. So this algorithm has good adaptability and robustness. 对模糊控制规则采用智能加权调节的方法,利用误差及误差变化的绝对值作为自身的加权,构造了误差和误差变化的权函数,间接地改变了模糊控制规则。
Solution to Regression Equations on the Rule of Minimum Sum of Absolute Errors 残差绝对值之和最小准则下回归方程的求法
Consumption object structure means the consumption expenditure structure of various commodities, the change of which is prominently shown in the fluctuation rule of absolute quantity and relative quantity of income distribution in various commodities. 消费客体结构主要是指对各类商品的消费支出结构,其变化突出表现为收入在各类商品分配的绝对数和相对数的起伏规律。
Using a novel data embedding rule, this algorithm adjusted coefficients of DCT, whose absolute value is relative smaller than others. Positive numbers were used to denote one and negative numbers were used to represent zero respectively. 该算法利用一种新颖的数据嵌入规则,调整绝对值较小的DCT系数的正负值,分别用特定DCT系数的正负值来代表1和0。
To enforce judicial independence, judicial independence in judge and judicial independence in system are established in America, but the rule is relative, not absolute. 为保障司法独立的贯彻,美国确立了法官个人意义上的司法独立性和制度层面上的司法独立性,但该原则并非绝对,而是相对的。
This paper presents a rule based on the absolute information quantity. Then we provide an algorithm to make up an information system. 文中提出了一种基于绝对信息量的赋值规则,根据该规则提出了补齐不完备信息系统的算法。
But Responsive Law allows the existence of different degree of rule of law, and allows our rule of law to differ from an absolute formalism of rule of law, and it can to be carry out by oneself path in our country. 但是回应型法的回应性又允许不同程度法治的存在,也允许我国法治不同于绝对形式理性的法治,而且可以有自身的实现途径。
The contents of second including the research of the hearsay evidence rule as well as the development of the rules of development of absolute phase reflection. 第二项内容梳理了传闻证据规则的发展历程以及对该规则发展中绝对化做法的反思。
In this novel, the "underground man" was facing the paradox of absolute personality: trying to break the rational rule by using absolute personality, but at the same time facing nothingness while crossing the bound of rationality. 在这篇小说中,地下室人面临着绝对个性的悖论:以绝对个性试图突破理性法则,同时也体会到越界的虚无。
Based on V.Mises yield condition and flow rule, dynamics variational equations for a three-dimensional elasto-plastic plate are established using virtual work principle and absolute nodal coordinate formulation. 从非线性应变-位移关系式和弹塑性本构关系出发,基于V.Mises屈服条件和流动法则,采用绝对节点坐标法,用虚功原理建立了作大范围运动弹塑性空间薄板的动力学方程。